Over a year ago I decided to embark on writing a book that would combine my love of Yauco, travel and cycling. And with your help we can make Yauco City Pocket Travel Guide come into fruition. 100% of the proceeds will go toward creating and publishing of the Yauco City Pocket Travel Guide.
Yauco City Travel Pocket Guide … Coming Soon
Books Available Now
Historia De Yauco
Written by Author Héctor Andrés Negroni patron son of Yauco this literal publication takes us to the depth of Yauco’s History beginning with the pre-colonial rein of the Taino Indians to the colonial era of the Spanish rule followed by the U.S. invasion that lead to our modern day U.S Territory Status. Illustrated with black and white photos the author gives us glimpses of the colonial structures of yesteryear and some that still stand today. Featured in Spanish as a google book in PDF format.
Yauco y Sus Barrios
Written by Eloisa Grau a renowned painter and author presents us a historical composition that serves as an archival witness to the richness of Yauco’s history, culture and beauty. Brilliantly Illustrated with both black-white and colored photos this book gives us glimpse of its true beauty. Accompanied with this book is a Music CD that includes 4 songs: Himmo de Yauco, Villancico Yaucano, Plena de Yauco and Raices de Mi Pueblo. Featured in spanish with English Tranlastion included.
Yauco Esencia Patrimonio Cultural
Written by Eloisa Grau a renowned painter and author this box set includes 2 beautifully illustrated hard cover books this is the second publication written by Eloisa Grau about Yauco, a must have to add to your library. This book serves an historical archive that introduces us to historical figures both past and present. Illustrated with both black-white and color photos. featured in Spanish language with English translation included.